
I can't believe what an amazing dog I have, and I owe it all to Lisa, the staff and the Canine Academy! 

My wife and I brought home Rosie, our adorable cockapoo, when she was just 7 weeks old. She was our first dog; neither of us had a dog growing up. We instantly fell in love. She was fun, loving and playful. 

Over time, Rosie started to develop a few bad habits, largely due to anxiety. She would bark at strange noises, had separation anxiety when we would leave the house, and would guard certain items, like shoes, paper and pens (and would growl if you tried to take them). She also would bark at the dinner table and beg for food, unless and until we fed her.

For nearly three and a 1/2 years, we lived around Rosie's bad habits and largely ignored them. But, earlier this year, we brought home our first "human" baby, and Rosie's habits couldn't be ignored any longer. She acted out several times, and her guarding got much worse. Her habits got so bad that we even considered giving her away, a thought that just broke our hearts. We tried a couple trainers, but they didn't work out.

Enter Lisa, the staff and the Canine Academy. We dropped off Rosie for her extended overnight stay in the off-leash program. Although we missed her a ton while she was gone, it was the best decision we could have made.  

We now have a truly amazing dog! She comes when called, stays until released, and drops or leaves items when told. We also go off-the-leash at the local park and she lays quietly on her "place" (her mat) while we eat dinner in peace. She was even recently certified as a "Canine Good Citizen" and, during the classes, she amazed the other dog owners with her obedience. The best part of her transformation is that she still has her loving, playful personality. That never left. But now, she obeys our commands, and she's more confident and proud when she makes the right decisions.

We are so happy that Rosie is part of our family and so grateful to Lisa, the staff and the Canine Academy. I highly recommend the Canine Academy to every dog owner! You will be amazed with the results. 
Birmingham, MI