" Bean"

Bean was trained through the Off-Leash Program in 2009 and continues to board with us when her family travels. They spend extended time in France each year and Bean enjoys her time with friends at the Canine Academy. Here is what her owners have to say.... 

Happy New Year! Lisa, it's like she never left! You know there was no one else to consider for Bean's care, you've known her since she was just 4 months old. We were at the vet and she was squealing like a baby pig in the lobby. You picked her up and said "I can fix that" and you did! You definitely have the gift of understanding animal behavior and PEOPLE! We still anguish over leaving our Bean but know everyone at Canine Academy is well trained, doing more than just a job, and she is getting the best attention, exercise and training. I'm sure she loved spending time at the farm and we thank you for that. The puppy classes, (where I think you trained me along with her!), off leash program, boarding with continued training made me confident that we were leaving her in good hands. Our squealing little piggy is now a Great Dog!

All the Best for the New Year,
Gale Adams
Clarkston, MI and Paris, France