
The Faklaris Family - "Toula" Labrador Retriever

Toula was a very rambunctious lab who loved to jump on people, listened only on special occasions and, one time, knocked over my 76 year old mother. I really needed to train Toula but did not have the time as I was relocating to NY. I knew about Canine Academy's Off-Leash Program when I took my other Lab, Teddy, to their Obedience Class.

I enrolled Toula in the Off-Leash Training Program and it was the best thing I ever did. After 6 weeks, Toula returned home a rock star. I take her on walks and she heels like a champ. She runs around at the park and always comes when called. I take her to my nephew's soccer games and she stays in a down-stay perfectly. In fact, I have had numerous people approach me and compliment Toula's behavior. I have found it easier to tire-out a puppy with both a mental and physical 'workout'.

Canine Academy gives me the confidence to take Toula anywhere and people do not mind when I bring her to their house, to outdoor BBQs, or to the lake house. 

Toula is my 4th yellow lab and I usually have to wait untIL they are 2 years before they settle down and behave. Toula is 9-month old and very well behaved. In hindsight, I wish I would have taken all of my dogs to Canine Academy. I will surely enroll my future puppies in the Off-Leash Program.

E. Maria Faklaris