"Rocket and Tessa"

We were at our wit's end with our 2 standard poodles Rocket and Tessa. We took them to a behaviorist and they were both started on Zoloft to little effect. Eventually I found Canine Academy and now we have two great dogs! 

Rocket was 7-years-old when he started off leash training. He had been diagnosed with fear based aggression which manifested as barking and lunging at other dogs and pedestrians. He was also disruptive and destructive at home, attacking the television set and damaging the cabinetry. Rocket completed a 6 week off leash training program with remarkable results. His problem behaviors resolved and he is now calm and behaves perfectly in any setting. Rocket went on to complete the Therapy Dog International Training program and he is now a registered therapy dog with plans to work with Hospice patients. 

Tessa, our 3-year-old, was a bundle of love and energy. She would aggressively display her affection to all, jumping on and licking anyone in sight. Her excessive energy was difficult to manage. Tessa successfully completed the 6 week off leash program and she loves more gently now. 


Liz Singer