
I adopted Jasper 8 months ago.  He is a wonderful, playful, intelligent dog full of energy.  However, he was like having a toddler 24/7.  I could not get him to settle down, stop jumping all over me, biting his leash (tore thru 3), barking and pulling on his leash when he saw another dog or squirrel.  I tried taking him to different obedience classes and made some headway.  I knew though I was not able to get him to reach his potential without more intensive professional help. 

Canine Academy to the rescue.  It was a big commitment but well worth it.  He came back with confidence, calmer demeanor, and nailed his commands taught to him.  It was my turn now and responsibility to make sure I carried over with what he has learned on a consistent basis and it is paying off.  I love taking him for walks, going thru drive in windows, going out on outings with his fellow canine student graduates and taking him to my friends’ houses.
My next goal is to enroll him in therapy dog training classes and who knows agility with all that energy!!!