

Riley graduated from The Canine Academy's Off Leash program on Friday, Sept 19th 2014. Here she is demonstrating how she has mastered 'Place'. She stayed on her 'Place' as our grand-kids came bursting into the room!!! She is so well behaved our walks are a joy for both of us!!! 


Thank you Lisa and everyone at The Canine Academy.

Kathy Borrusch

P.S. In this picture Riley is doing her impersonation of a sad dog and she does it so very well. She is smiling inside and her tail wags all of the time!


The Martin Family - Copper - Boxer Mix

We received Copper from the Michigan Humane Society when she was about 6 months old.  We immediately fell in love with her intensity and her never-ending amount of energy.  We had had Copper for about 6 months when she began to display signs of dog-to-dog aggression, and with us being new pet owners, we knew we needed the help of a professional.  At the recommendation of our Veterinarian, we immediately signed Copper up for obedience classes at Canine Academy, and since she completed her training a little over a year ago, we are now able to  take her with us just about everywhere we go.  Copper has truly become a part of our family thanks to Canine Academy.