Bull Terrier

"Joe Muggs"

Bruce & Susanna Te Paske – "Joe Muggs"- Bull Terrier

Joe Muggs is our first miniature bull terrier and we were not prepared for the difference in temperment from the Labs we had always had previously.  This guy was totally doing his own thing.  We couldn't even walk him on leash without him pulling.  It was a struggle.  Never mind getting him to come when called or any of the other commands that keep him safe from harm.
Thanks to Lisa and the staff at Canine Academy, we can let Joe Muggs run free on the beach here at Hilton Head and run and play with other dogs.  He responds to all the commands they taught him: Come, sit, down, stay, off, heel, etc. And most amazingly, they were able to teach us how to command him.. It is so much easier to enjoy him when he behaves and you know you can count on him behaving.   

Here he is running on the beach!

Joe Muggs & Family!